911 Call: Bigfoot’s Been Shot, Send Photographers; Says Bigfoot Has a Beautiful Voice

A 911 call about Bigfoot brought police to central Pennsylvania expecting a man in a gorilla suit. What they found instead were bear tracks. That didn’t stop John Winesickle of Altoona, Pennsylvania, who made the call, from believing. Bigfoot enthusiasts amped up the rumors until it became a story about a mystery beast being shot by a turkey hunter. The man also said he’s heard Bigfoot’s voice, and that it’s a beautiful basso profundo.

A 911 call about Bigfoot kicked off a flurry of speculation and conspiracy theories throughout the internet Sasquatch community. Earlier this week, John Winesickle of Altoona, Pa., called the police to report that he found tracks that would prove the elusive creature’s existence.

The 911 call that reached the police said, “That's affirmative, he has evidence, uh... proving Bigfoot. He would like a police officer to come there."

Expecting a hoax or a crackpot, the police sent out an investigating officer, probably to break up an otherwise routine day, to check the man’s claims. The officer followed the man into the woods, but concluded that the prints were left by a bear.

The Pennsylvania man who made the 911 Bigfoot call was not deterred. He was still convinced that the tracks couldn’t have come from a bear. They were inconsistent with the way bears moved. Winesickle said, “No, no, no, no, no. See, a bear can’t go down a steep bank on all twos. That’s proven this is a Bigfoot.”

Winesickle told press that he’s heard Bigfoot calls while he was in the woods. The man described the calls, “The voice is so deep. I’ve heard bass singers on television – they can’t even come close to the bass sound that it made towards me.”

Sasquatch seekers set out to the site that Bigfoot was allegedly shot, on either Russell or Rustic road in Somerset County. Some claimed that a body existed. No remains were found.

by Tony Sokol

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