Adam Levine Issues Explanation Regarding 'I Hate This Country' Comment

"I obviously love my country very much and my comments last night were made purely out of frustration."

"Being a part of 'The Voice,' I am passionately invested in my team and want to see my artists succeed," Levine added. "Last night's elimination of Judith and Sarah was confusing and downright emotional for me and my comments were made based on my personal dissatisfaction with the results. I am very connected to my artists and know they have long careers ahead, regardless of their outcome on the show."

That was the statement NBC "The Voice" judge Adam Levine issued to magazine, "US Weekly".

Levine came under fire after being heard uttering "I hate this country," during an episode of the NBC talent competition in which two of his favorite contestants were sent home.

Just after the hot mic comment was heard, Levine took to social media networking site Twitter and posted a slew of definitions like "joke" "misunderstand" and "humorless" as a light hearted gesture and an attempt at clarifying his allgiance instead of tweeting an apology.

"joke- noun 1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or prankish act"

"hu·mor·less (hymr-ls) adj. 1. Lacking a sense of humor. 2. Said or done without humor"

"mis·un·der·stand Pronunciation: (ËŒ)mi-ËŒsÉ™n-dÉ™r-ˈstand Date: 13th century 1 : to fail to understand 2 : to interpret incorrectly"

The responses to Levine's tweets were mixed. Some called for the singer to be fired from his position as judge on the NBC singing competition. Others understood his frustration about the show.

"Does Adam Levine get deported for saying "I hate this country" on the voice tonight? lol hey US we'll trade you for Bieber!" Asked one tweeter.

"I think Adam Levine saying "I hate this country" was completely unnecessary." Another tweeter said.

"Did anyone else hear Adam Levine say "I hate this country" LIVE on air? Not a smart move. Just solidified Douche Bag Status." One upset tweeter wrote.

A few came to his defense, saying Levine is right because America tends to favor Blake Shelton, the country musician and judge, who has enjoyed a winning streak throughout the show.

One fan tweeted, "Hearing Adam Levine say 'i hate this country' from off camera is a small comfort in the wake of the voting tragedy that happened this week." Another said," The two best singers on the Voice got voted off, I agree with Adam, 'I hate this country.' It's not the voice, it's the country show."

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