Cleveland Charles Ramsey Is The Most Noble Hero! "No Thanks" To Free Burgers, Wants No Part In Fame, And Wants To Focus On Victims[VIDEO]

Charles Ramsey says "No Thanks" to free burgers and wants no part in his burger fame. The Cleveland hero doesn't want a burger reward or 15 minutes of fame for saving the three kidnapped women. Instead hero Charles Ramsey just wants to focus on the kidnapping victims. The character of Charles Ramsey just keep getting better.  

Charles Ramsey's lawyer said, "Ramsey also wants everyone to know that he does not endorse the consortium of Northeast Ohio restaurants who are offering 'Ramsey Burgers' or who are promoting that Ramsey can receive free burgers from them for life."

"Ramsey encourages people to do things that will help the victims." What a noble hero!

"I never told these people they could use my name for this," Ramsey said in a statement.

Ramsey has also objected to an online video game called Burger Bash, in which a crudely animated Ramsey and accused kidnapper Ariel Castro toss hamburgers to each other.

"I want everyone to know that I have nothing to do with this trash," Ramsey said

Ramsey was offered burgers from McDonalds after his heroic act. McDonald's confirmed:

"We have confirmed that the local owner-operators of the McDonald's restaurants in Mr. Ramsey's neighborhood have connected with him and offered complimentary McDonald's food for the next year. In addition, we have made a $10,000 donation to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in the names of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michele Knight, the kidnapping survivors in Ohio, and Mr. Ramsey."

But Mr. Ramsey just wants to focus on charities and preventative actions to prevent further kidnappings.

Charles Ramsey became a national hero and internet sensation when he helped rescue three missing women who had been held hostage for a decade.

Ramsey was eating dinner in his home outside of Cleveland, Ohio when he heard screaming next door. He was soon at the neighbor's door, face-to-face with Amanda Berry, a woman who went missing 10 years ago, and a young child. Berry was shouting for help and trying to get outside.

"I'm eating my McDonald's, I come outside, and I see this girl going nuts, trying to get out of the house," he told CNN affiliate WEWS.

"I got on the porch and she said, 'Help me get out. I've been here a long time.' I figured it was a domestic violence dispute. So I open the door. And we can't get in that way 'cause of how the door is, it's so much that a body can't fit through; only your hand," he continued.

After kicking down the door, he and another man, Angel Cordero, called 911.

In just a matter of hours, Ramsey, who works as a dishwasher at a local restaurant, was a national hero, a viral video star, and the top topic on Twitter. The video of his interview has been shared and re-uploaded thousands of times on YouTube, as well as shared all over social media outlets.

Berry was last seen after finishing her shift at a Burger King in Cleveland in 2003 on her 17th birthday. The other two women are Georgina "Gina" DeJesus, who disappeared at age 14 in 2004, and Michelle Knight, who vanished 2002 at age 19.

Ramsey had told WEWS-TV that he was shocked that these women had been held hostage right next door.

"I barbecue with this dude," Ramsey said. "We eat ribs and what not, listen to salsa music, you see where I'm coming from? Not a clue that that girl was in that house, or anybody else was in there against their will."

Charles Ramsey is one righteous dude. Instead of jumping on the fame bandwagon and trying to benefit form the girls' misfortunes, he is just glad he could save them.

Ramsey believes the girls that survived decades in that house of horrors are the real heroes.

Check out the video that made Charles Ramsey famous below:

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