Sarah Palin Says No To Google Glass: Husband Todd Asks “What’s In It For Us?” Google Fans Shocked That Anyone Would Turn Down Glasses

Sarah Palin has no interest in Google's newest wearable technology, the Google Glass.

Nilay Patel of The Verge wore Google Glass to the Indianapolis 500, which is where he met Sarah Palin.

Patel was relaxing at the hotel bar journeying "to the bottom of the hotel's Woodford Reserve" the night before the famous race when Sarah Palin walked in.

Patel chronicled Sarah Palin's reaction to the Google Glass on the tech site. In short, she was not interested. Patel wrote:

"The thing about Glass is that it's a gigantic LOOK AT ME plastered on the front of your face: a call for attention that also serves as an invitation for people to openly judge you. Most of us walk through life at various levels of happy anonymity, but Glass puts a spotlight on you unlike anything I've ever experienced.

"'Is that Google Glasses?' they all ask. 'What is it doing right now?' I had my little speech memorized by the third or fourth time around. 'It's not doing much,' I'd say. 'It's kind of like a GoPro with Siri.' I let a few people try it on, but no one could figure out the interface. 'It just tells the time?' they'd ask, and then I'd have them take a picture of me, most of which I promptly deleted. I kind of wish I hadn't, now. They would have made an interesting time-lapse documentary of my journey to the bottom of the hotel's Woodford Reserve.

"At one point during the evening Sarah Palin arrived at the hotel and made a smooth, practiced pass through the bar shaking hands and taking photos with a long line of admirers. I stood next to her for several minutes but she wouldn't take a photo with me or wear glass. 'What's in it for us?' asked her husband Todd, staring squarely at the camera and screen floating just above my hazy, bourbon-enhanced eyes. 'We don't know what company you're with.'

"When I told him I wasn't after an endorsement but was rather a journalist interested in her opinion of Glass, he icily asked me to leave."

Whatever Palin's reasons were for turning down the Google Glass, it must've been a tough 'no.' Publications like Verge and even National Geographic have posted live blogs of journalists wearing the much-anticipated technology, and fans' comments show excitement and impatience for the device's widespread release.

On The Daily Beast's Google Glass article, KG_917 commented, "I must admit - this looks fantastic.  It's like science fiction come true."

Galisteo Basin on the same site said he is excited for the release, but isn't looking forward to some of the fallout.

The user commented, "Yes, it's cool. Yes, it's a major tech advance. But, if you thought people with Bluetooth phone headsets were obnoxious, just wait until someone wearing Google Glass crashes flush into you on a sidewalk."

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