Russian Daredevil Jumps Off Mount Everest, Marking 60th Anniversary Of First Ascent To Summit While Setting Base Jumping Record

Extreme jumping has reached new heights.

Russian BASE jumper Valery Rozov set a new world record on May 5 after leaping off the north side of Mount Everest, celebrating the 60th anniversary of Edmund Hillary and Tensing Norgay's first climb to the summit.

Redbull, who sponsored the stunt, posted videos of the leap on Wednesday.

Watch the full video here:

Wearing a special wing suit decorated with the Redbull logo, 48-year-old Rozov soared 7,220 meters above sea level, gliding at 125 mph for almost a minute, according to USA Today.

Rozov eventually landed on the Rongbuk glacier in Tibet, which is almost 6,000 meters above sea level.

"Because the cliff at the top was not very high, the initial moments of the leap in the rarified high altitude air were the most critical phase," Redbull posted on its website. "Rozov needed more time than usual in the thin air to transition from freefall to flying."

Redbull also reports that Rozov has been training for the jump for two years and that it took him four days to climb from the base camp to the jump location.

The Russian daredevil has made over 10,000 jumps throughout his career, including a leap into an active Russian volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula in 2009. Last year, Rozov jumped from a smaller Himalayan mountain, Shivling, to prepare for the great leap.

"Only when I got back home did I see how hard it was for me both physically and psychologically," Rozov told USA Today.

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Mount Everest
