Jon Bon Jovi Waives Concert Fee In Madrid, Spain, Further Proving That He Respects His Fans More Than Justin Beiber; Calls Beibs An "A-Hole"[VIDEO]i

Bon Jovi and his band are waives their performance fee for a concert in Madrid, Spain, as a gesture to their Spanish fans hit hard by the country's severe economic crisis. Jon Bon Jovi once again proves he is respectful to his fans, unlike Justin Beiber who shows up hours late to shows.

In contrast to Justin Bieber and his utter disrespect to fans, Jon Bon Jovi cuts ticket prices in half for concert goers in Madrid. The band's concert now costs between 18 euros ($23) and 39 euros.

The waive in fee to concert goers is to fans in Madrid has contributed to the now sold out show on June 27th.

Jon Bon Jovi originally planned not to play Spain as part of their tour to promote their latest album "What About Now", fearing the Spaniards couldn't afford the tickets. But the band changed their mind and are giving their Madrid fans what they want.

"I didn't want to let fans down," Bon Jovi says.

"We did a study and we saw that due to the economic situation Spain wasn't going to be on the roadmap. But I didn't want to leave out fans from a country I love that has treated me well for 30 years," he added.

Spain has been trapped in a recession for most of the past four years since its property market crashed. Thousands of homes have been repossessed and companies have closed down, causing Spain's unemployment rate to soar to nearly 27 percent - and almost twice that for those aged under 25.

Jon Bon Jovi recently dissed Justin Beiber calling him an A-hole for arriving late to his shows. The Bon Jovi frontman thinks Justin has an attitude and has been disrespecting his fans by arriving to shows late, and he says Justin is at risk of losing his Beliebers if he does not take his work more seriously.

In fact, Jon Bon Jovi even called Justin Beiber,19, an "a**hole!" Jon Bon Jovi says, that unlike Beiber, he is never late for shows and plays for the crowd for over two and a half hours. And now he shows further commitment, selling tickets at a whopping 50% off.

Justin was nearly two hours late for a London show in March, and late for a Dubai show on May 13. Jon, 51, was asked by the London Evening Standard what he thought of Justin being late for shows:

"Every generation has guys that do that, none of that is new. They run the risk of disrespecting their audience members who have worked hard to pay for their ticket, to give you the permission to take two or three hours of their lives - or in that kid's case, 80 minutes of their lives.

Do it once, you can be forgiven. Do it enough times and shame on you. They won't have you back. Then it just becomes a cliche. It's really not cool - you're an a**hole. Go to f**kin' work!"

As was previously reported, Bieber blamed the delay on "technical issues." Nobody believed the lame excuse and the delay really bothered his fans.

The delay left many teenaged fans and their parents essentially in a no-win situation: miss the concert to catch the last train back home or stay and end up trying to find a way back themselves. It was rude to disrespect his Beliebers and his arrogance is starting to catch up to his image.

Jon's career has lasted over three decades and he has sold over 130 million albums, so the young artist could really learn a thing or two from following his lead.

Who's side are you on? The Beibes or Bon Jovi?

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