Dog Pack Owner Guilty Of Murder After Pit Bull Mauling Attack, Blood Found In Fur And Muzzles

Alex Jackson, 29, was arrested Thursday based on the murder of 63-year-old Pamela Devitt, who was mauled to death by a pack of dogs on May 9.

Jackson was reportedly attacked while jogging by four of Jackson's dogs, all pit bulls. She died from "blood loss attributed to sharp force trauma," reported The Daily Mail.

"The sharp force trauma was caused by the dog attack in which the victim sustained approximately 150 to 200 puncture wounds," revealed Los Angeles County Lieutenant John Corina.

"Further examination of the pit bulls revealed they had what appeared to be blood on their coats and muzzles," Corina told CBS.

Since the attack, Jackson has been charged with owner negligence, as well as several charges related to growing marijuana, reported ABC News.

Sheriffs and animal control officials searched Jackson's home near the site of the attack and confiscated eight dogs, six pit bulls and two mixed-breeds.

The dog pack was quarantined for rabies observation at a Lancaster shelter, where officials attributed four of Jackson's dogs to the murder based on the blood evidence.

"I do not blame the dogs. I don't blame the pit bulls," said Pamela's husband Ben Devitt.

"I blame people who don't take responsibility for their animals."

After the attack, neighbors in surrounding areas were told to be wary of stray dogs.

"These pit bulls are killing machines. They're different than other animals," said Tony Bell, a spokesman for Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich.

"They need to have enhanced enforcement on these particular animals."

"It's really scary," admitted Diane Huffman who lives in Littlerock near the attack.

"I don't know what to think. I really think I'm going to be getting a gun to protect myself."

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