875 Books Read By A 5-Year-Old Kindergartner Within One School Year; Library Needs To Get More Books for the Bookworm

A kindergartner has 875 books read already in just a span of one school year. And her school's library is out of books already!

The little Sophia Moss can be the greatest definition of a bookworm as she has completed reading 875 books while she was in her kindergarten school this year. With 875 books read already by one of their student, T.S Cooley Elementary Magnet School in Lake Charles will definitely have a hard time to keep up with their library inventory.

The school librarian shared, "I told Sophia, I said we're going to have to order more books for T.S. Cooley Library because she's read so many of them and enjoys so many of them. "

Sophia's love for reading as proved by the 875 books read by her started with Elmo, according to her 53-year-old father, Carl Moss, when he was interviewed for the Good Morning America website.

He revealed, "It started with Elmo, and then we had a DVD of Hooked on Phonics and she just loved it and started watching it at 2-and-a-half years old. She learned her phonics, so we did sight words, and then we went to the LeapFrog books that we got at Wal-Mart. Short vowels, long vowels, and probably by 3-and-a-half she was sight reading and doing small, small sentences."

The bookworm's father even takes 6 to ten more books after school so little Sophia can read all of them at home. Included in the 875 books read by Sophia is the Curious George series which is her favorite. She also admits that she enjoys other titles as well.  

The 5-year-old bookworm who has 875 books read in a year shared her fondness for page-turning, "I just like reading. Reading makes me happy. I read like six a night."

Her father, Mr. Carl Moss, shares his high dreams for his booklover little daughter, saying that he wants her to be a lawyer someday.

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