Alleged Photos Show Hong Kong Starbucks Using 'Toilet Water': Coffee Made Next To Urinal

A Hong Kong Starbucks coffee location was exposed recently with a series of photos published by Hong Kong tabloid Apple Daily, which showed a "Starbucks Only" water spout in a bathroom, next to a urinal.

The photos, taken at the chain's Bank of China Tower location, reportedly showed where Starbucks staffs retrieve their water to brew coffee, reported Kotaku.

"There is no direct water supply to that particular store, that's why we need to obtain the drinking water from the nearest source in the building," defended Starbucks spokeswoman Wendy Pang.

Despite the chain's defense that the water is filtered before use, the photos still depicted an unhygienic bathroom and a urinal only a few feet away from the "Starbucks Only" water spout, turning off customers and coffee lovers alike, reported The Huffington Post.

"Making huge profits globally but chose [SIC] to use toilet water for making coffee in that store rather than spending a few cents to use distilled water," wrote Hong Kong resident Kevin L.

"We pay a few dollars to buy a cup of coffee and we get this kind of disrespect for our mind and health!"

Since the release of the urinal photos, Starbucks Hong Kong has issued a reply on Facebook.

"Please kindly accept our apologies for the concerns raised by the coverage on the water source at the Bank of China Tower store. While the water used at that store was drinking water and certified as safe, we would like to clarify any misperceptions, as quality and safety have always been our top priority. We are now using distilled water to serve that store while we work with all parties on acceptable options."

The Hong Kong Starbucks location began distilling the water this past weekend, but customers will have to accept that it arrives near a toilet and urinal for the time being.

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