Why Does Amanda Bynes Deny She Is In Buffalo? Roams Streets Aimlessly Saying "I'm Not In Buffalo" Clearly It's Amanda in Video And Skyzone[WATCH VIDEO]

Why does Amanda Bynes deny she is in Buffalo? Amanda Bynes is caught walking the streets of Buffalo, NY but Amanda keeps telling the photog, "We're not in Buffalo." But the video of Bynes is clearly in Buffalo. Furthermore, Amanda denies that it is indeed her in the video when the voice and tatoo and are tell-tale of Bynes. 

The footage was shot by a fan who  says he noticed Amanda Bynes wandering around aimlessly with huge sunglasses and a brown wig. When he asks her why she is in Buffalo, the voice that clearly belongs to Ms. Bynes says "We're not in Buffalo."

But is that Amanda Bynes in the video? Well, If it looks like Amanda, sounds like Amanda, and portrays a crazy woman roaming the streets of Buffalo lost, then it must be Amanda Bynes!

And it would be very strange if it wasn't Bynes considering there is a distinct tattoo on her arm that Amanda flaunts in all of her twitter selfies.

The woman never denies that she's Amanda Bynes -- but when asked why she's in Buffalo, she repeatedly tells the photog, "We're not in Buffalo."

Amanda Bynes had constantly been denying her stay in Buffalo.

Since her visit, Bynes has taken to Twitter to claim she has yet another imposter roaming around pretending to be her. "THAT'S NOT ME!" she posted in response to earlier reports that she visited a Sky Zone in Buffalo. "I've never been to SkyZone! That looks nothing like me! I don't own a brown wig!"

But the staff at Skyzone in Buffalo swears Bynes was there. And they actually had nice things to say about her attendance.

She was great," a rep for Sky Zone says. "She was very friendly to the staff and came and just jumped around."

"She told us that she had been to a Sky Zone before and had really liked it and she said she loved jumping around," the rep says. "She said was definitely going to come back."

The staff said Amanda was sporting a brown wig and requested the staff to not take pictures of her. However, lots of patrons to the facility did take photos.

"She seemed like she was having a lot of fun," a patron who was at Sky Zone the same time as Bynes says. "She was all over the place, jumping and falling. She kind of stuck to herself. It was just my group of friends and her...She asked us if we minded if she jumped with us."


Why would the nice people of Buffalo lie about a Bynes sighting? Wouldn't that be a little too random? Fess Up Mandy!


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