Houston Father Abandons 10-Month-Old Baby In Parking Lot: Mother Accused Of Setting Up Husband [VIDEO]

Billy Joe Davis, 34, is now in jail after being booked yesterday for endangering his baby by leaving him in a parking lot.

According to Chron, Davis and the baby's mother got into a heated argument on March 12 when they stopped in a strip center parking lot between a Food Mart and a Mexican restaurant around four in the afternoon.

The mother, Ke Maria Zhane Murphy, stormed out of the vehicle and went into a convenience store, leaving Davis alone with the baby, according to the arrest warrant.

After the mother left the parking lot, Davis proceeded to unhook the baby carrier from the car seat, and left it in the middle of the parking lot with his 10-month-old son still buckled in.

"It was crazy," recalled manager Rick Sanchez, who was working at Tio ChuCho on West Road who saw the incident. "He just dropped the kid and left, crazy, they fight I think."

"When the mother came out, she was yelling and screaming at him, running through the parking lot, trying to chase him," said a witness.

Fortunately, the infant was unharmed as nearby woman noticed the baby and instructed her husband to park next to the child in case a vehicle accidentally hit him.

May Cain, Davis' mother, believed that Murphy set up the entire scenario to get her son arrested.

"She been trying to get him in trouble, because he don't want to be with her," said Cain. "She really want to be with him, she told me, 'I love him. I love him.'"

Others even claimed that it was Murphy who took the baby out of the car.

"I didn't understand why she did that. It was hot and the baby was screaming," said Food Mart clerk Ruwan Silva, who claimed he watched with Davis inside the store as Murphy left the carrier in the parking lot.

But with the event captured on security cameras from the Mexican restaurant, however, an arrest warrant went out for Davis on Wednesday and citizens were asked to call Crime Stopper and possibly receive a $5,000 cash reward, reported ABC News.

Davis surrendered to authorities shortly after on no bond.

Watch the security footage of the event in the news segment below:

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