Kpop Discussions: Were Foreign Fans Really Pushed Away For EXO Comeback Stage?

No one can say for sure how accurate the tweets and fan accounts and numerous blogs are with regards to the treatment that they received during the line up for M! Countdown. The music shows in Korea run on a strict, archaic system that has proven rather effective time and time again. What is being raised as an issue here was how when the SM Staff for EXO arrived, the line up for the entrance was switched and many of the Foreigners were placed at the back of the line despite having waited 12 hours or so to get in.

There are many exiting posts that have been updated about the incident, most of which contain varying opinions about the discrimination that allegedly was blatantly displayed during the line up. One explanation from a fan that was present in the center of the crosshairs was that the staff was concerned that foreign fans did not understand what was being instructed. A communication barrier would equal a more difficult time getting them in order, so they were trying to split the foreigners from the line. Others were set on this being definite evidence of discrimination towards them being foreigners.

If there is any truth to these posts, none of which has been confirmed or denied by the company, an explanation has to be released regarding the whole new line being formed by SM. Any thoughts?

KpopStarz is open to SM's statement on this matter. In the meantime, what do the rest of fans think?

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