Oscar Pistorius Appearing On Court: Convict Says Olympian Will Not Get Fair Trial, ‘They Will Do Anything And Everything To…Try And Take Pistorius Down’

Oscar Pistorius is scheduled to briefly appear at a South African court Tuesday, reports CNN. In the wake of his court appearance, eNews Channel Africa is reporting that he’s getting support from a very unlikely source.

Convicted drug trafficker, Glenn Agliotti, who faced persecution from the same team now trying the Blade Runner.

He said, “I believe they will do anything and everything within their power to try and take Pistorius down, because it’s a feather in their cap, it’s an endorsement behind their names.”

Agliotti pleaded guilty to drug dealing charges. The convict reveals all the details of his prosecution in a tell-all book, which will come out in mid-June.

He says he hopes Pistorius and his lawyers would make use of what the Olympian has experienced so far to prepare themselves for what he said would be a very ugly trial.

“I had the fortune of meeting Oscar Pistorius at a barbeque. He came across as being a very humble person. My heart went out to him. It was at a private function. I gave him my number and I said 'if ever you need a bit of help or whatever, or need to talk to someone phone me'. Because I know what he’s going to go through,” Agliotti told eNews Channel.

The businessman was also charged with murder of South African mining magnate, Bret Kebble, but was acquitted.

According to Agliotti, the case destroyed his life and ruined his business. It was also a reason why his marriage ended in a divorce.

“South Africans don’t forgive and they don’t forget. So unfortunately for me and for Oscar, you’re almost dead in the water in South Africa because there will always be a stigma attached to you,” he said.

The National Prosecuting Authority vehemently denied Agliotti’s claims that Pistorius won’t get a fair trial.

NPA spokesperson Medupe Simasiku said, “We can never prove a case based on lies, based on hearsays. We will make sure that every case is proved beyond reasonable doubt so that when it comes out on the other side, everything is fair and justice is served.”

Oscar Pistorius is charged for the murder of his girlfriend Reevan Steenkamp last February 14. He has since claimed that he mistook her for a burglar.

The Olympic runner told police that he got up in the middle of the night to bring in a fan from the balcony and claims he heard a noise in the pitch dark.

He said he picked up a gun he kept for security purposes and hobbled without his prosthetic legs to the bathroom, and fired repeatedly at the door.

It was only when he returned to his bedroom and realized Reeva was not there that he felt there had been a terrible accident.

Pistorius said, he then picked up a cricket bar, battered down the bathroom door and carried Reeva’s bloodied body downstairs.

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