Beyonce And Jay-Z Go On A Simple Movie Date To 'Iron Man 3'

When people daydream of going on a date with a celebrity, they imagine a 5 star restaurant, VIP entries into any club, popping bottles all night,  and maybe topping it of with a trip to some extoic land in their private jet.  Then again, there are those who just like to watch a movie and snuggle.  Well, that is exactly what the almost-royal couple Beyonce and Jay-Z aka "The Carters"  did on their most recent date, showing that they are human after all.

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, the dynamic duo was seen holding hands while going on an excursion in New York City's Battery Park to enjoy the weather and entertain themselves with a pleasant but action packed outdoor screening of "Iron Man 3."

The couple, once known for their zero tolerance for PDA, has totally matured when it comes to showing affection.  This is illustrated by the rebellious yet romantic trip Beyonce and Jay-Z took to Cuba for their fifth wedding  anniversary, the numerous Kodak moments Beyonce shares on her blog "I Am Beyonce," and their most recent chariy venture at the Londen "Chime for Change" concert supporting women's rights.

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