Suzy and Kim Tae Hee, Similar Acting Controversies But Different Outcomes

"She sounds like an anchorwoman."

For the past few months, Kim Tae Hee and Suzy were in hot seat due to their lead female roles in dramas 'Jang Ok Jung' and 'Gu Family Book.' Despite similarly unnatural delivery of lines and less-than-ideal facial expressions, the two actresses were received quite differently by the public.

In 'Gu Family Book,' Suzy started out rough with monotonous pronunciation and overall acting skills that were found wanting. Her deficiency, however, did not prevent viewers from getting into the show at the beginning. Since the rough patches have been smoothened, Suzy has made improvement and provided a great contribution to the rising TV ratings of the drama.

In 'Jang Ok Jung,' Kim Tae Hee experienced similar troubles in terms of acting skills. So did viewers, as the public found it difficult to tune into the story of the drama as the focal point of the production continued to deter them from zoning in with her lack of skills as an actress. Unlike Suzy, Kim Tae Hee has continued to struggle with her grasp of her character as the ratings never picked up.

The biggest difference between the Suzy and Kim Tae Hee is not as much acting skills as their characters.

Suzy's character in 'Gu Family Book' is quite similar to her perceived image on TV, with a down-to-earth personality and good humor. Because Suzy and the fictional character had only a small gap to fill to begin with, Suzy's initial difficulty closing the gap did not jump out to viewers and made the drama flow with ease.

On the other hand, Kim Tae Hee's character in 'Jang Ok Jung' as Jang Ok Jung is the polar opposite of her established image as a kind, warm-hearted beauty. Though her acting skills are generally regarded to have improved once the character took a turn and molded into an evil one, the damage had been done beyond recovery.

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