G-Dragon's Denial SHATTERED?— Here's 'Alleged' Video Exposing Apparent Drug-Induced Symptoms

In the midst of the intense scrutiny surrounding allegations of drug use, G-Dragon, a prominent member of the iconic group Big Bang, has staunchly refuted the accusations leveled against him.

This controversy reached a new height on October 31st when a netizen shared a video online under the intriguing title, "I found the original video of G-Dragon breaking his neck."

Unraveling the Controversial Video: G-Dragon's Alleged 'Zombie' Moment Exposed and Debunked in Unedited Footage

The video in question, previously disseminated across various social media platforms during the initial outbreak of drug-related allegations, portrayed G-Dragon in a concerning light, earning him the moniker "a zombie-like GD" among netizens.

The concise version of the video depicted a moment when G-Dragon, upon entering a shop, appeared to sharply snap his neck, creating an illusion of potential physical instability.

However, a more comprehensive, unedited video showcased a different narrative. G-Dragon was seen greeting overseas fans in a perfectly ordinary manner before entering the shop, engaging in what seemed to be routine neck stretches.

READ ALSO: G-Dragon's Denial Over Drug-Use Controversy Has Split Knetz: 'His fans will just have another grievance...' 

Decoding the Full Video: G-Dragon's Stretching Routine Exposed Amidst Controversial Allegations - Fan Reactions, Skepticism, and Calls for Patience

Upon thorough examination of the complete video, it became evident that G-Dragon was merely participating in stretching exercises, a habitual practice that he had showcased in front of fans and reporters, extending back to at least 2013.

Responses from fans varied, with some questioning the authenticity of the edited clip, expressing sentiments such as, "Did they fall for the knitting video?" and emphasizing that G-Dragon's stretching habits were well-known among his dedicated fanbase.

Conversely, other opinions highlighted the need for patience, advocating for a wait-and-see approach regarding the investigative outcomes.

G-Dragon Faces Official Charges on Drug Management - Maintains Strong Denial in the Face of Serious Allegations, Pledges Full Cooperation in Ongoing Investigation

On October 25th, the police officially booked G-Dragon on charges related to drug management following an investigation at an entertainment establishment in Gangnam, Seoul, where suspicions of drug distribution had arisen.

Despite the serious nature of the charges, G-Dragon, through his lawyer, remained resolute in his denial of any involvement in drug use.

In a statement released on the 27th of last month, G-Dragon declared, "First of all, I have never taken drugs," and expressed a commitment to actively cooperate with the ongoing investigation.

Scheduled to voluntarily appear at the police station on November 6th, G-Dragon aims to address the allegations comprehensively during the questioning process.

YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN: G-Dragon To Undergo Drug Testing To Prove Innocence + Idol's Lawyer Drops Statement 

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Cassidy Jones wrote this.  

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