Ladies' Code, Picture With Nick Vujicic... For What?

Girl group Ladies' Code revealed a picture taken with 'happy pastor' Nick Vujicic.

The picture was taken at a church in Seoul on June 8, and Ladies' Code had participated in 'Mission Healing With Nick Vujicic,' leading up to their relationship and picture.

Their agency said, "Ladies' Code had always wanted to meet him once after being movitated through his books. They wanted to as soon as they heard of him visiting here."

Ladies' Code's leader Ashley said, "It was such an honor for all 5 members to be able to meet someone that we repsect so much. It was a time for us to reflect on ourselves who complained so much even while having everything. After hearing his words, we decided to try our best, being thankful with the talents given to us."

Photo Credit: Ladies' Code

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