NU'EST Reveals Video Clip of Picking Out Gifts For Fans

Group NU'EST picking out gifts for their fans themselves is catching much attention.

Yesterday, a video clip of NU'EST members choosing gifts to give their fans was shown during their concert in Turkey. In the video clip, the NU'EST members had made time in their busy schedules to carefully think how they could repay the love that their fans showed them.

The members all carefully chose the gifts individually. Baekho showed consideration for the skin care of female fans and JR chose traditional Turkish teac ups. Minhyun chose a elephant-shaped gift with Turkish 'evil eyes' and Aaron chose scarfs to fit the trend of the summer. Ren chose bracelets that he could match his fans with.

Fans who saw this were exceedingly happy, saying "I'm so touched" and "Their hearts are so precious!"

Photo Credit: NU'EST

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