VIXX Noise Marketing Or Joking Around? VIXX TV Episodes Scrutinized Leading Up To The Group's Comeback

There seems to be a journalist out there with a chip on his shoulder about VIXX. Or is it all just a bit of noise marketing leading up to the group's comeback sometime this summer?

In the span of just one day fans were shocked by not one, but two (minor) scandals and were issued an apology from the group.

On July 22 an article on Sports Chosun called out VIXX member Ken for a "thoughtless statement" he made about fans during an episode of the idol group's online YouTube show VIXX TV.

N asked, "Ken, what if our fans change their mind to like another group? What will you do?" to which Ken responded, "If they change their minds, I will hit their heads!"

When fans initially watched the episode, Ken's joking tone seemed cute and his words were not taken seriously. However, a journalist with an suspected grudge thought otherwise and started a rather heated argument in the news site's online forum among fans and netizens.

A few hours later, another older episode of VIXX TV was brought into the forefront when it was revealed that N and Ravi were filmed wearing hats with the Japanese war flag on them.

Although the two were just goofing around in a shop trying on a variety of headpieces, the war flag hat in particular caused a stir due to the sensitive history between South Korea and Japan.

A short while later, VIXX management, Jellyfish Entertainment, released an apology on behalf of the group saying, "We would like to apologize for causing concern with the problematic hat that the VIXX members wore on the 14 th episode of VIXX TV."

The statement continued, "The VIXX members have always aimed to show a comfortable and honest image of themselves to their fans through the weekly YouTube show and it was a mistake born out of that same intent."

"Jellyfish Entertainment takes responsibility for not recognizing the problem in the editing and production process. We promise to make sure that this does not happen again. We would like to apologize once more for concerning everyone who loves VIXX with this matter," the statement concluded.

The issue has started a lengthy dialogue in online forums for several points. Some netizens are contending that these minor scandals are just a part of media play before the group's intended comeback sometime this summer.

This raises the question as to why these groups need to engage in such negative press in order to get recognized.

Other people in the online community have taken the matter a step further to criticize the idol lifestyle completely. It has been brought up that these young entertainers have been essentially raised to be idols, many times removed from formal schooling altogether and have missed out on the basic history lessons and moral training their peers and countrymen have undergone. It is a sad oversight that caused this problem in the first place.

Another common thread seems to address the issue as to why anyone cares in the first place. As Jellyfish Entertainment acknowledged in their apology, the VIXX TV program is meant to connect the group members to their fans in a fun, playful way. Both "scandals" came out of jokes made among group mates and were not intended to be taken seriously in the first place.

The last point brings us back to the beginning and has many wondering if the original article's purpose was merely to get the group's name in the news leading up to their comeback.

What do you think - VIXX noise marketing, ignorance, or harmless goofing around?

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