K-pop Goes on Social Media: The Power of Likes, ReTweets and Shares

How do Kpop idols benefit from participating in social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Weibo, Kakaotalk, so on and so forth? Is there a down side to it?

One thing that you have to realize is that K-pop's success is primarily built around album sales, track sales, concert sales, sales sales sales. Now what's an important compound in making sure these sales are on point? Two things, the internal help, that means the marketing, the staff, the company and the artists, and external, the fans.

As a fan, I can see where the need to get to know your favorite artists comes from. You don't just want talent, you want an amalgamation of talent and likability. And how can fans like the idols when there is no connection, no sort of platform for them to know for sure that the idol is just an instant message away.

Though the unattainable factor does play a significant role in why idols are so desirable, there comes a point where the fans need to satiate their longing for an idol by being shown that the idol is somewhat accessible. This is why social media is a good idea. This is why idols can take advantage of what accounts they have to show another side to them that isn't usually shown on interviews and concerts.

Some of the idols that I follow on twitter allow me that privilege, like Kim Jonghyun and Onew of SHINee. Since I'm heavily SM biased, I follow most of their artists, Amber of F(x) being my favorite since she tweets in English some times and as a non-Korean speaker, this makes me feel included. It also helps that she's hilarious and she tweets other artists.

Some of the idols who gather the most followings on Twitter, Super Junior seems to have a great lead in comparison to the others, Choi Siwon being in the lead of the pack with 3, 664, 295 followers. Other members from Super Junior are also in the 3 million league, like Donghae. The reason for such a strong following may have to do with the fact that they are an established group who has been in the industry for a while. Through their tweets, members show each other support for each other. When Henry was about to debut, Donghae sent him "Lots of love" through twitter. With Yesung, Leeteuk, Shindong, Ryewook and other members on twitter, they form an average of 2 million followers.

But it's not just twitter that K-pop idols have been dominating. Instagram has also been all the rage with the idols what with members like Taeyeon from SNSD and Jokwon from 2AM getting their own accounts.  It is almost the international resurgence of Korean social network, Me2Day.  

The thing about these social media sites is that it's easy and convenient for idols to fit into their busy schedules.

Why is that Miss A's Min, Rania's Jia, SHINee's Key, KARA's Nicole, and everyone else who rides on the social media train, are able to gather a great number of followers on their instagram just as much as their Twitter? Because Instagram offers a visual, a different aspect of something to subscribe to on a daily basis.  And perhaps those filters are cool.  And photos typically don't need words, making it easier to communicate. Fans can catch glimpses of their favorite artists arm in arm or before they're about to hit the stage.

On the other hand, being so available to the public does have its disadvantages. This also offers fans and anti-fans a place to bombard artists with hateful comments. A recent example is when Krystal had to delete her former Instagram account due to the staggering amount of hate she was getting for being suspected to be in an intimate relationship with G-Dragon. Remember that? She has reopened her account since.

Apart from these international sites known by everyone outside of Kpop, idols have also had social media accounts that have existed since the spurt of Facebook, Twitter and even new short video service, Vine. EXO member Kris has a Weibo that he updates. Although this is a Chinese site, K-pop idol Jessica from SNSD is reported to have one as well.

As far as how these accounts are being managed, whether it's the idols themselves making sure to update even once a week or someone else from management, you as the fan can be the judge of that. Just make sure to follow them to keep up with what's going on with them in a way that isn't stalking since this is information voluntarily being offered to the public. There's a difference, you guys.  And hey, be gentle with the comments because one day they might decide to just not be there.

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