Huma Abedin Muslim Brotherhood Allegations [VIDEO]: Senator John McCain Repudiates Rumors; Anthony Weiner Sexting Scandal Casts Spotlight on Wife; Sydney Leather's Correspondence Reveals Shocking Photos of Carlos Danger

Huma Abedin is dealing with the fallout from her husband Anthony Weiner's scandal text messages as "Carlos Danger" to "Sydney Leather".  A story in the Canada Free Press discusses Huma Abedin's possible association with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The site claims that "Huma's mother is a sociologist with ties to numerous Islamist organizations including the Muslim Brotherhood, and is known for her strong advocacy of Sharia Law."

However, Senator John McCain blasted allegations linking Huma Abedin to the Muslim Brotherhood, saying: "Recently, it has been alleged that Huma, a Muslim American, is part of a nefarious conspiracy to harm the United States by unduly influencing U.S. foreign policy at the Department of State in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist causes. These sinister accusations rest solely on a few unspecified and unsubstantiated associations of members of Huma's family, none of which have been shown to harm or threaten the United States in any way. These attacks on Huma have no logic, no basis, and no merit. And they need to stop now."

The site also notes that Huma Abedin was on the social committee and an executive Board Member of George Washington University's Muslim Students association.  Social committees typically organize events. 

The Muslim Brotherhood is a Pan-Islamic religious, political, and social movement by the Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan Al-Banna. The Muslim Brotherhood's goal is to instill the Qur'an and Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ...ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state."

The Muslim Brotherhood also have pluralistic social goals: "We believe that the political reform is the true and natural gateway for all other kinds of reform. We have announced our acceptance of democracy that acknowledges political pluralism, the peaceful rotation of power and the fact that the nation is the source of all powers. As we see it, political reform includes the termination of the state of emergency, restoring public freedoms, including the right to establish political parties, whatever their tendencies may be, and the freedom of the press, freedom of criticism and thought, freedom of peaceful demonstrations, freedom of assembly, etc. It also includes the dismantling of all exceptional courts and the annulment of all exceptional laws, establishing the independence of the judiciary, enabling the judiciary to fully and truly supervise general elections so as to ensure that they authentically express people's will, removing all obstacles that restrict the functioning of civil society organizations, etc."

Watch Huma Abedin Video here:

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