Miley Cyrus Twitter Pics 2013: Sexy Nude Photo Released [VIEW HERE] ‘We Can’t Stop’ Star Flaunts Body In Marc Jacobs Ad

Miley Cyrus posted a revealing photo of herself on Twitter on Friday, featuring her naked on a t-shirt for a Marc Jacobs ad.

The "We Can't Stop" star is seen covering her crotch with her hands while completely naked - the words "Protect the skin you're in" cover her nipples.

But her revealing ad isn't the only thing fans are buzzing about.

Miley Cyrus is known for her rocky relationship with fiancé Liam Hemsworth and a source close to the couple said a break up might be imminent because she's the only one trying to make it work.

"Miley's very committed to Liam and to making it work, but she has complained that she feels like it's always her making the effort to keep them afloat," the source told Hollywood Life.

"Notice how it's always Miley visiting Liam wherever he's working and not the other way around. Miley would love it if Liam would make the effort to fly out and surprise her or something romantic like that but she's not going to fight over it."

The source also told Hollywood Life their biggest stressor is all the time apart.

"Their careers are both exploding right now and neither one of them want to give that up. Liam won't and Miley sure as hell won't either."

Miley Cyrus, who met up with Liam Hemsworth in Canada to visit him for a weekend getaway near his movie set, has been traveling across the world to garner more publicity for her new hit single, "We Can't Stop."

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