‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 4 Spoilers: More Characters, Battles, And A Wedding, But This Time ‘Not Red,’ George R.R. Martin Says

Fans of "Game of Thrones" were devastated by the "Red Wedding" episode at the end of season 3, when many favorite characters were killed off. Author George R.R. Martin reveals some spoilers for season 4, and what fans can expect from the upcoming "Game of Thrones" season.

Avid fans of the "Games of Thrones" books know that there are a lot of characters in the series, and they won't be disappointed by the introduction of many of them in season four.

"We finally introduce one of the most popular characters from the books: Prince Oberon Martell," Martin told E! News. "The Red Viper of Dorne will be introduced for the first time and there will be some other new characters that I think the fans will like."

Martin also mentioned familiar characters that will feature in the next season.

"The Wildlings are continuing to move toward the wall. We'll see many of the characters, we'll see what happens to Tyrion and Cersei and Jaime and all of the remaining Starks, the few that are left and hopefully it will be another great season," Martin said.

"Game of Thrones" will also have a big battle scene.

"We have a big battle that the wonderful Neil Marshall that did the Battle of Blackwater back to direct, that's very exciting for me," Martin said.

The author also dished that season four will feature another wedding, but fans don't have to worry too much. Martin says this wedding won't be like the one at the end of season three.

"We have another Royal Wedding, this one is not red; this one is a different color," Martin said cryptically.

"Game of Thrones" season four will premiere spring 2014.

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