Jake The Snake Roberts Sober Eight Months [VIDEO]: Lands Movie Role, DDP Helped Him Like The Legendary Wrestler Did For Him Once

Jake the Snake Roberts has been sober for almost a year now after a nearly thirty-year battle with drug abuse has almost cost the legendary wrestler's life multiple times.

Eight months is the exact length of Jake the Snake Roberts' sobriety. He hasn't relapsed. He hasn't snorted cocaine or took a sip of alcohol.

One of the people the man who used to carry a snake with to the ring and whip out on his opponents is another wrestling legend and two-time WCW world heavyweight champion Diamond Dallas Page. It last a few months because Roberts said Page had three cats in there and Roberts lost one of his snakes in the house.

Jake the Snake Roberts moved into Page's Atlanta home with another recovering addict-Scott Hall. It was a way for DDP to help save these guys lives.

"This is not a rehab place," Page told Yahoo. "I'm just trying to help out my buddies. WWE has a rehab that's as good as anything in the NBA or the NFL, but Jake's been in and out of it a bunch of times."

DDP and Roberts first met a night club that Page was running in the 1980s. Page was already in his thirties and Roberts helped get him into the ring after being a manager for WCW for a few years, which actually included Scott Hall who may also be known for his run in the WWE as Razor Ramon.

"Thank God for his day job," Roberts told Yahoo in talking about Page's beginning to his career.

Page thanked Roberts for his own career that helped him become a big name in the sports entertainment world. He played a big role in the movie "Ready 2 Rubmle," opened up his own Yoga company, which was another tool he has used to help save both men and he still makes the occasional appearance with the WWE.

"He didn't just tell me, 'Here's what you do,' " Page told Yahoo! Sports."He'd suggest. He'd give me bait to fish with, and then a little more bait."

Jake Roberts, the second-generation wrestler had a similar "nobody thinks you can do it" upbringing in wrestling after the success of his father. "They told me I never could do it, either," Roberts said. "I said to him, 'I'll train you my own damn self.'

Jake the Snake Roberts is now getting a chance to show off his acting skills in an upcoming film. He plays a homeless man named Jed in the new movie who offers the protagonist protection has he is introduced to "the family" in "Heavy Water."

The Kickstarter page reads: "Jake's experience as a professional wrestler translated into strong performances and brought a powerful presence to his character. His ability to improvise, take direction, and become the character shines through in his depiction of Jed."

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