Taylor Swift Boyfriend: Done With Dating Hollywood Stars? ‘22’ Singer Looking For ‘Down-To-Earth Guys’ After Harry Styles Break Up

Taylor Swift hasn't had a boyfriend since dating Harry Styles. The "22" singer has been too busy on her "Red" tour to think about boys, but now a source reveals what Taylor is really looking for in a boyfriend.

A source told HollywoodLife.com that Taylor is done with dating Hollywood stars, and that she wants to switch her attention to a different type of man.

"She wants to focus on old-fashioned dates and finding a real guy who can make her happy - whether he's famous or not," the source said.

Taylor's "Red" tour ends in December, and according to HollywoodLife.com, she is telling friends that when she has time off she is going to start thinking about her love life again.

"She's just going to shift her focus from the Hollywood guys to the more down-to-earth guys who can give her some stability and make her feel loved and not used," the source told HollywoodLife.com.

This sounds like a nice change for T-Swift, who has previously seemed addicted to the drama of heartbreak. She is notorious for dating a slew of famous Hollywood stars, fueling her catchy tunes, and she's only the tender age of 23.

"There's something so beautiful about people who are heartbroken," Taylor told E! Latin's Coffee Break, "they think about how they're feeling much more."

She continued: "...So when music is all that you have and you're lonely or you're missing someone and you write a song that says exactly how you feel, there is sort of a gratification you get from that, it almost helps you move on."

An example of her heartbreaks becoming fodder for Hollywood drama: Taylor wrote a song titled "Dear John," allegedly about her relationship with singer John Mayer. He responded with a song called "Paper Doll," which many believed to be about her.

According to HollywoodLife.com, the chorus sounds like it makes reference to her song, "22″: "You're like 22 girls in one / And none of them know what they're running from / Was it just too far to fall for a little paper doll?"

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