Spanish Train Driver Charged With 79 Counts Of Homicide: One Survivor Speaks On What Happened As Francisco Garzon Admits He Was Speeding

Spanish train driver charged with 79 counts for the deaths of the 79 passengers Sunday on the train when it derailed Wednesday in the city of Santiago de Compostela.

Francisco Garzon, 52, had been under arrest since Thursday and now the Spanish train driver is charged with 79 counts for those deaths. He is suspected of driving the train too fast through a tight curve.

Examining Magistrate Luis Alaez formally charged Garzon with "79 counts of homicide and numerous offences of bodily harm, all of them committed through professional recklessness," the court said in a statement about the Spanish train driver.

According to media reports, Garzon admitted behind closed doors with the judge that it was momentary lapse and that he was indeed speeding when it took place. Garzon must check in regularly with the court, surrender his passport and not drive trains.

At 8:41 p.m., the high-speed train slammed into a concrete wall, crumpled, and some of the cars caught fire, killing 79. One of the carriages flew over an embankment because of the force of the slam.

There are 70 people hospitalized and 22 in critical condition. One of those survivors was Elder Ward. He is from Utah and was headed to the coastal Spanish town, ready to start a two-year Mormon religious mission, according to CNN. He was a survivor from the carnage in Spain. The last thing he remembered from the train wreck was flying sideways out of his seat.

"We had been going around some pretty sharp turns. We finally came to one more sharp turn, and the train, like, completely lifted up," Ward told CNN. "It was leaning sideways. It felt like a roller coaster."

Ward, 18, blacked out when his car slammed on to its side, regaining consciousness only as he was being helped out of the train, according to CNN.

"I've got staples all over my scalp, I was covered in blood," he said. "They've scrubbed most of it off me now, but everyone was just covered in their own blood and occasionally the blood of others. It was gruesome to say the least."

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