Selena Gomez Wants to Exhaust her Fans in new Rave Tour; Leaves Birthday Party with Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber got back together for Selena’s 21st birthday bash on Saturday night. It looks like Justin is completely under the spell of the former “Wizard of Waverly Place.” Selena Gomez told E! last week that she was single, Justin flew across the country to make the party. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber left that party together. Selena Gomez also announced some details about her upcoming tour, she wants it to be a big rave and that her fans will be “exhausted” by the end of her shows.

Selena Gomez noticed Justin Bieber’s efforts, according to insiders who were at the party. Justin was scheduled to do a show in Detroit on July 28, but he couldn’t stay away from Selena Gomez. He flew to be at Selena’s birthday party on July 27.

Justin showed his devotion to Selena Gomez by trekking across the country to make the party. Is this because Selena Gomez shot Justin Bieber down by saying she was single? Sources say the birthday part was full of public displays of affection between the two teen hitmakers.

The insider said, “She was all over him. They were definitely touchy-feely and shared some kisses and back rubbing.”

A source says Selena Gomez really enjoyed her party. This is the first birthday party that Selena Gomez was legally allowed to drink and she made the most of it, dancing the night away. The source says that Selena Gomez got a little sick during the party and Justin stepped in to help. A lot of Selena’s friends didn’t even want Justin to be at the party, but the source said Justin made himself “helpful.” The source says “Once people didn’t really give him any crap and saw that he was being helpful the PDA got more intense.”

SplashNews reported that the party went on until 2 in the morning and Selena and Justin left together.

Selena Gomez has been plotting her new Stars Dance Tour and she wants to leave her fans “exhausted” by the end of every show.

Selena Gomez told MTV News “The tour is going to be really fun. I also want them to be exhausted when they leave my shows, because I want it to be like a giant rave."

Gomez is up for a a Best Pop Video Moonman at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. The “Come and Get It” singer has been promoting her new Stars Dance album and she wants to make her first world tour one big trippy party.

Gomez said "I never had it be so much like a production for me. I wanted it to feel like a show, so it was always fluid with music, so we're having a really fun time experimenting with different beats and sounds and remixing some of my old songs, so I think they are going to be really excited. I think they are going to have a great time, and I think they are going to be surprised too. I've been dancing so much, so I'm stoked it will be good."

Former X Factor contestants Emblem3 will be opening for the young singer.

Selena told MTV News "They are great. Their music is fun, and I want my shows to be fun, and they are all really fun too, so that helps. We are just going to have fun together."

The Stars Dance World Tour launches in Vancouver, British Columbia on August 14.

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Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber
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