Jennifer Aniston Gets Toe Broken By Justin Theroux-But Claims Relationship Still Healthy, Wants To Heal Wedding Rumors

Jennifer Aniston got her toe broken by boyfriend Justin Theroux, it has been revealed. Still, the two seem happily in love together...and their wedding should happen eventually, Aniston promises.

Aniston recently stepped out with a broken toe, thanks to fiancé Justin Theroux.

"I have a broken toe," Aniston told press. "Not to out my sweet, sweet fiancé but he has big feet and wears these boots."

"He stepped on my toe," Aniston said. "Broke it. I felt it."

Uh-oh. Watch your feet, Jennifer!

Aniston, 44, is currently filming a movie called "Squirrels to the Nuts".

Aniston and Theroux have been engaged for also a year, but have yet to set a date.  And they're not in a rush, she said, because they "already feel married".

"We just want to do it when it's perfect, and we're not rushed, and no one is rushing from a job or rushing to a job," Aniston told press.

"And, you know, we already feel married," she added. "There have been no canceled weddings. There have been no postponed weddings. There have been no arguments about where to get married. Just clearing all that up."

Aniston is even going to invite her estranged mother on the guest list. Her mother, Nancy Dow, will likely be invited, and Justin wants to help mend the fractured relationship between the two.

The wedding has been on-again, off-again, but right now, it's on.

About Aniston's mother, a source said, "Right now, Jennifer is going back and forth. As it stands, she's going to invite Nancy to the wedding - but it's not set in stone. Justin has been instrumental in convincing Jen to reconcile with her mother. He's encouraged her to forgive Nancy for writing a book about Jen and giving interviews about her that she regarded as excessively indiscreet. Justin's mantra is that time heals and he's urged her to invite her mother to the wedding."

Jen and her mom had a falling out over a tell-all book her mom penned that Aniston felt was selling her out for cash and exploitive.

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