Kim Kardashian "Obsessed" With Amanda Bynes; Kim, Kris, Ryan Seacrest Think She's Getting The Help She Needs [VIDEO]

Amanda Bynes has had some, uh, issues for awhile. Now, however, Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian think she may be getting the help she needs. WATCH VIDEO BELOW.

On the latest Kris, the host and Ryan Seacrest talked about how Bynes might finally be getting treatment for her issues after being involuntarily hospitalized. Bynes' parents are seeking guardianship after she set a fire that resulted in property damage in Thousand Oaks, CA.

"This is something that for me, as a mom, makes me very sad. But happy that she's getting perhaps the help that she needs for one reason or another," says Kris Jenner.

Her daughter, Kim, is "obsessed" with Amanda-and gravely concerned, Jenner revealed.

"Kim loves Amanda, she's obsessed with her and really wants her to be fabulous and get well," says Kris.

And,  Kris added, people should withhold judgment. The case has been notoriously full of media hype.

"I've always said, I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, I'm not there", Kris said. "I don't want to be the one that's quick to judge and be real negative. I like to look at the glass half full. I'm really glad that whatever's going on this would be the start of a new beginning for her."

Seacrest chimed in, too.

"Some people are comparing what she may be going through to what Britney [Spears] went through a few years back and you look at what Britney was able to do and to overcome," adds Seacrest. "She's in a great place now. I think she's better than she's been in a long time. Hopefully the right people get to be around Amanda and get her on track as well."

Parenting is difficult-but Kris has done a great job with Kim. Amanda Bynes' parents haven't had as easy a time-but thankfuly now they're stepping in, Seacrest said.

"That's what moms across the country think about their kids. They want their kids to be around the right people and the right friends and the right group becuase that does have an impact," says Seacrest.

View a video of the discussion below:

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