Green Paint Vandalizes Two More Memorials In Washington D.C., Splatter Remains On Lincoln Memorial; Are The Incidents Connected?

Green paint vandalizes two more memorials in Washington, D.C. The paint splatter found on the Lincoln Memorial Friday is still being removed.

According to The Associated Press, green paint was found splattered on two additional Washington landmarks: the National Cathedral, and a statue of Joseph Henry outside the headquarters of the Smithsonian Institution.

Officials and park police have not yet confirmed whether the vandalisms are connected to each other, or to the incident of green paint found on the Lincoln Memorial, located on the National Mall.

At the cathedral, green paint was spilled over the organ console in Bethlehem Chapel, the oldest portion of the cathedral, which was completed in 1912, according to AP.

It has not been announced how much damage has occurred to the organ in the nave's east end, Washington City Paper reports.

Cathedral spokesman Richard Weinberg says the paint was discovered Monday afternoon. He says the paint was still wet, leading officials to believe the vandalism had just occurred, AP writes.

Crews continue to remove the paint from the Lincoln Memorial. According to NBC, most of the paint on the granite base was removed, but crews are having a hard time removing the paint from the marble statue.

CNN reports that security cameras were reviewed to find a suspect, but officials have not yet been able to pinpoint a perpetrator. The video footage may be released to the public to help identify a culprit.

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