Katy Perry Diet Plan: Cleanse for Vogue Cover [VIDEO]; No Alcohol or Coffee; Bags of Vitamins for Teenage Dream Singer

Katy Perry Diet Plan: Cleanse for Pop Star to prepare for Vogue Cover Shoot.

Katy Perry is a pop star who works hard to look her best.  Photographs of her without her makeup that show she puts a lot of time and effort into her appearance.  Looking your best can also include diet plans, such as a cleanse.

Katy Perry revealed on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno that she did a cleanse in preparation for her Vogue cover shoot.  Katy Perry's Vogue Cover was for their July 2013 issue.

The Firework singer said: "I kind of went on a cleanse, I did a lot of stuff like vitamins and supplements, I changed my coffee to green tea, I didn't drink alcohol for three months."

She added: "I was really in the zone.  I just wanted to be glowing for that cover."

Katy Perry recently tweeted a photograph of a bag of her vitamins.  Which vitamins does she use to look so good?  She hasn't said her secret, but scientists have studied the use of many different supplements for their potential to improve skin quality, including astaxanthin, lycopene and omega-3 oils.  Dr. Nicholas Perricone advocates for using nutrition to improve skin quality.

The California Gurls singer praised the work of cover photographer Annie Leibovitz: "It was really fantastic working with her. [has] such a great vibe, she's got no ego which is fantastic, and she really let's me be creative as well."

Vogue editor Anna Wintour is famous for her preference for thin cover models.  She famously ordered Oprah to lose 20 pounds before appearing on the cover.

According to the Daily Mail, Wintour said on TV: "It was a very gentle suggestion.  I went to Chicago to visit Oprah, and I suggested that it might be an idea that she lose a little bit of weight. I said simply that you might feel more comfortable. She was a trouper!"

Oprah has struggled publically with her weight and learned to accept herself: "My goal is to learn to embrace this body and to be grateful every day for what it has given me."

Watch Katy Perry Wide Awake Video here:

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