Girls' Generation Yoona, Innisfree 'Color Glow Lipstick' Photo Shoot

Girls' Generation's member Yoona was seen in a lip photo shoot.

The skincare brand Innisfree recently revealed their photo shoot with Yoona. It was to introduce their new product 'color glow lipstick.'

It had been revealed that Yoona perfectly pulled off all 4 colors of the lipstick, receiving many compliments. She wore a trenchcoat and had bold lipstick on, portraying a runway fashion.

One representative said, "Our new lipstick is already receiving so much love and attention as it's already being called 'Yoona lipstick' on various online websites. Yoona also showed her mature side through this photo shoot that she had not revealed before, so all staff members at the filming set could not take their eyes off her."

Yoona's photo shoot along with the making video will be released online ( today.

Photo Credit: Innisfree

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