Ann Coulter Quotes From `Hannity’ Aren’t Helping, Say Conservatives; Don’t Make a `Monkey’ Out of Us To Sell Your Books

Ann Coulter’s quotes have always gotten her into trouble. As a regular guest on Bill Maher or on any of the Fox programming she helped push, Ann Coulter has always gone a step beyond what most conservatives will admit to thinking, even as she repeatedly towed the Grand Old Party line.

But when Ann Coulter says that Russian President Putin is playing President Obama for a “monkey,” Conservatives are finally calling her out. Ann Coulter is releasing a new book next month, controversy is one of the best ways to sell it.

According to The National Center for Public Policy Research, Ann Coulter’s quotes from her appearance on "Hannity" were called unnecessary and unhelpful, by her fellow conservatives. Activists say Ann Coulter’s comments distracts from any serious debate on the issues. Conservative activists see Ann Coulter’s references to Obama and “monkey” as ploy to create controversy and sell books.

Ann Coulter’s quotes brought harsh criticism from three conservative activists who are affiliated with the National Center for Public Policy Research. Between them, the actives have over 85 years of professional experience and they think Ann Coulter was trying to drudge up headlines with subtle racial baiting during her September 9 appearance on “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Ann Coulter was on "Hannity" to talk about President Obama’s weak response on Syria. Ann Coulter used "Obama" and "monkey" in the same sentence three times in seven minutes. Ann Coulter said Putin "is making a monkey out of Obama," she said "to make Obama look like a monkey" "made Obama a monkey." Ann Coulter was trying to make the point that Russian President Vladimir Putin was manipulating the Syrian situation to make Obama look weak. Ann Coulter made the same subliminal messages during the presidential elections.

Even Sean Hannity saw what Ann Coulter was doing and asked "Why are you saying that? Because you know people are going to criticize you for using that term against the President... Are you trying to be provocative?"

Ann Coulter backpedaled and then changed “monkey” to "ragdoll" for the rest of the interview.

The president of the National Center for Public Policy Research, Dave Ridenour said "RFK Jr. said in his diary that Al Sharpton has done more to damage the black cause than George Wallace because he's tainted all black leaders. Ann Coulter is the conservative movement's Al Sharpton. The world doesn't revolve around Ann Coulter and whether or not she sells her books. It's time she put America first."
National Center Chairman Amy Ridenour pointed out "Ann Coulter has a long history of making provocative statements as a professional advancement strategy, but statements she makes in service of her personal PR goals should not be confused with the genuine views of the conservative movement, 99.9999 percent of which is far more interested in advancing sound public policies for the United States than it ever will be in selling books."

Ann Coulter’s quotes on "Hannity" aren’t overtly racist, but the conservative firebrand has a history of saying things for shock value. David W. Almasi, the executive director of the National Center for Public Policy Research said "In March of 2007, Ann Coulter called John Edwards a 'faggot' at CPAC -- much to the dismay of many of the conservative conference's sponsors such as the National Center for Public Policy Research. Three months later, her latest book hit store shelves. Last night, Sean Hannity even seemed taken aback as Coulter repeatedly said Putin was making a monkey out of Obama. She was baiting the haters. And she has a new book coming out next month. Coincidence? I think not. Ann Coulter is a fine writer and her contributions to our cause are appreciated, but she has a pattern of using other conservatives to get attention. I didn't appreciate the haters condemning me by association in 2007, and I don't appreciate it today."

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