World’s Richest Family 2013: Heirs Of Wal-Mart And Their Quest To Protect $100 Billion Wealth Exposed, Dubbed As ‘World’s Greediest Family’

World’s richest family for the year 2013 and for many years since has been the Waltons. The four heirs to the wealth of the Wal-Mart chain of stores hold a total fortune of over $100 billion. The family’s quest to protect their wealth is now being exposed by Gawker who has dubbed the family as the “world’s greediest.” The website says that the family is taking emasures to ensure they do not pay even a penny more of taxes if they do not have to.

The $100 billion wealth of the Walton family is more than the wealth of almost half of lower-tier American combined.

Gawker compares the Waltons to the Rockerfellers who made their money over decades while the Waltons did it in much less time. When you factor in that income inequality in America has never been this high before, the Waltons can be portrayed as rulers of today.

According to Gawker, it is very immoral to accrue such wealth and keep it to yourself as many people would agree. There is no human decency in gathering so much wealth and keep passing it on to your offspring for generations over and over again as it keeps immensely multiplying. This will only lead to more inequality of opportunity and income accrual than already dramatically exists in America.

It is for this reason that people have to pay tax on their estate. Some of these treasuries have to make their way back into public hands when their owners pass on. It does not have to be all their wealth but just a substantial bit that will go back into circulation for many in America to have a fairer chance of getting income. It will also be a great buffer for personal kingdom manifestation.

Gawker reports how there are billionaires like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates who have already signed pledges to ensure that when they pass on, a majority of their fortunes will go to various charitable causes. The Waltons however, do not intend to do this. This is evident in the fact that they have gone over every tax loophole in existence to make sure no penny leaves their fortune unless they are forced.

According to Bloomberg Today, the family will even go to the lengths of creating their very own charities thus getting exempt from estate and inheritance tax. They will then launder it back into their family heirs’ trust funds even bigger than they initially put in.

Gawker goes further to state that while you are busy admiring the Walton family’s art museum or land conservation donation, bear in mind that it is part of a bigger scheme to get and keep more money to themselves by not paying taxes. In the meanwhile, the millions of workers striving to make these fortunes for these four heirs are sinking in the difficulties of minimum wage and no unions that can improve the situation.

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