Nexus Smartwatch Release Date, Rumors: Google’s Next Wearable Gadget Could Soon Be A Reality, Quiet Acquisition Of Smartwatch Company And Domain Revealed

Nexus Smartwatch release date is one that reviewers and Google fans are all scouring the net to find since last March when the Financial Times confirmed that one should be coming by the end of 2013.

According to, a startup company called WIMM tried to make a breakthrough with their very own modular smartwatch that they aptly named the WIMM One. Less than a year later, in 2013, the startup that looked to be gathering speed made a press release explaining that they would no longer be selling their pre-release developer kit since they had entered into an exclusive contract with a company that they could not disclose the name. Now it has become public that the company was in fact Google reports Phandroid. reported that many tech buffs speculated that it was Apple that had bought WIMM but this was later debunked to be nothing but a rumor. A good lot of the original WIMM team stayed on after acquisition to keep working with Google and their LinkedIn profiles gave away the change in employers. Google also got to wrap their fingers around the domain

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