Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington Wins Internet's Heart With One Eye, Permanently Cute Snarl [VIDEO]; Will He Overtake Lil Bub And Grumpy Cat As the Internet's Favorite LOLCat Cat Meme?

Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington is becoming a LOLcat internet cat meme sensation like Lil Bub and Grumpy Cat.

Like other internet cat meme sensations Lil Bub and Grumpy Cat, Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington has some distinctive physical characteristics.  Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington has only one eye and a permanently curled upper lip due to a jaw fracture.  These characteristics give him the visual appearance of a pirate, so the kitten became a Pirate Cat.  Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington even wears a tiny, kitten-sized eye patch!  He makes a perfect LOLcat cat meme.

Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington was found on the streets of Portland with two cute brother kitties by Multonomah County Animal Services on September 13.  Poor Sir Stuffington was mangy and flea infested.  Blazer Schaffer, a woman from Portland, took in Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington along with his two brothers.  She has created a facebook fan page for Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington that already has 15,000 likes.

Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington seems poised on the cusp of wider LOLcat internet cat meme fame.  A documentary called Lil Bub and Frendz looks at the culture surrounding famous internet cat memes.

The owners of Lil Bub and Grumpy Cat have gained a lot of fame for their kitties. Since Lil Bub, Grumpy Cat and now Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington have such unique appearances due to their deformities, they have uniquely captured the hearts and awwws of the public.  Lil Bub and Grumpy Cat have made many public appearances.  Grumpy Cat has even been on the Today Show!  Could television and film fame be next for Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington?
Watch Pirate Cat Sir Stuffington Here:  

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