Did Jason Greenslate, Food Stamp Surfer, Cause Food Stamp Cuts? [VIDEO] Star Of Fox News Documentary The Great Food Stamp Binge Says That "I Don't Think One Person Should Be The Decision For 47 Million People"

The House of Representatives just passed 40 billion dollars worth of food stamp cuts over 10 years, and a food stamp user named Jason Greenslate is drawing criticism for his role in the political discussion surrounding food stamp cuts.
Jason Greenslate was featured on Fox News talking about his food stamp use.  He claimed to eat lobster dinners on his Food Stamps.  
Website Policy Mic talked about Jason Greenslate's role in the political discussion surrounding food stamp cuts: "Fox News and a handful of other conservative outlets attempted to rile up their audiences this week when they reported on Jason Greenslate, San Diego beach bum and supposed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) abuser. Greenslate, interviewed as part of a Fox documentary entitled The Great Food Stamp Binge, is quoted as bragging about his lackadaisical lifestyle, full of lobster dinners and shameless flirting, all while living on the government's tab. It was an underhanded gambit, designed to whip up anti-food-stamp fervor, and a quick look into the details shows that it wildly misrepresents the plight of needy Americans.

"Fox alleges that the SNAP program is full of examples like Greenslate, who are content with living off handouts from the government. In reality, 76% of households receiving SNAP benefits include children, the elderly, and disabled individuals. 91% of benefits are paid out to families living at or below the federal poverty line($19,530 for a family of three). Finally, the average SNAP household has a gross monthly income of $744, with countable resources (such as a bank account) of only $331. Clearly, the overwhelming majority of food stamp beneficiaries are not free riders or idle individuals, as Fox would have its audience believe."

Website Roll Call reports that Jason Greenslate even was used in a memo, although not by name, circulated to House Republicans over food stamp cuts.  According to Roll Call, Jason Greenslate's food stamp use "generated enough attention to spur Kevin Concannon, the Department of Agriculture's undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, to write the head of the California Department of Social Services. In an Aug. 22 letter, Concannon wrote, "While such an individual is technically and legally able to access nutrition assistance, there can be no doubt that continued participation without a commensurate commitment to find employment is inconsistent with SNAP's mission and purpose in providing a temporary safety net for those who truly need help."

Jason Greenslate responded to the furor over food stamp cuts by the House of Representatives, saying:  "I don't think one person should be the decision for 47 million people."  

Greenslate maintains that he works, he just isn't making money - yet - and that he only did the documentary to get publicity for his band.

Watch Jason Greenslate Food Stamp Cuts Video Here:  

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