Heechul Opens Up About Military Duty and His Ideal Girl for Cosmopolitan

Cosmopolitan's latest shoot with Kim Heechul is definitely keeping the limelight shining bright on him. Not only does he show off many angles that work for him in the pictorial, but he also works as though he had never been away in the first place. Once he came back, it was as though the pause button was released and no time has passed at all.

When asked during his interview about his life in the military, Heechul revealed that he took the subway everyday to serve and wanted to keep a low key profile as much as he could. He made it through his military duties without causing a stir and he wanted to constantly keep it that way.

Although he was still troubled from time to time as he admitted, “The fact that I couldn’t do what I really wanted to do for two years was really hard."

He even added that he actually missed the fans, who used to pull on his shirt and hair at the airport. His managers served as witnesses of Heechul’s growing maturity as he realized he’s a person who lives off the attention of others after being unable to see his fans.

He also thought to add his two cents when it came to his views on girls. “I want to sincerely date with a woman who is prettier than me,” said Heehcul. “I want to always remember this thirsty feeling for a really, really long time.”

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