Super Junior Heechul Bullying Kangin in a Video on Instagram?

Super Junior's Heechul's makes sure that his Instagram account is always updated, posting his photos and other Super Junior members as well.

Today, Its not about Heechul's photo but one of his co-members as the star of his INstagram.

Heechul uploaded a video of Kangin sitting and singing his heart out when suddenly someone hit him on his forehead, but this didn't stop him.  So, their Kangin received a harder blow on his forehead, but on the 4th and 5th time it targeted his right and left cheek.

It was just a lesson learned for Kangin as he also does the same thing to Heechul sometimes. There was a saying " Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you". I guess Kangin got a right dose of his own medicine. I guess they are just having a laugh by doing such guy thing. (^_^)

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