Teresa Giuidice 7 Dumbest Quotes On Real Housewives On New Jersey Reunion [VIDEO] Read How Teresa Defends Herself, Apologizes, And Plays Stupid About Her 39 Counts Of Fraud

Teresa Giudice did her share of defending herself, apologizing, and of course saying plenty of stupid quotes on The Real Housewives f New Jersey reunion. Here are the 7 best quotes from Teresa Giudice on last night's Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion show:

1)   Teresa said "What happened to me could happen to anyone," about her 39 counts of fraud. Is she crazy?!  Um, Teresa 39 counts of fraud does not happen to anyone...just people that break a whole bunch of laws! Although Teresa thinks that she won't be going to jail because a judge 'couldn't possibly take four children away from their mother' the possiblity of jailtime for the Jersey Housewife is very possible. Teresa and Joe Giudices were charged with a whopping 39 counts of fraud. They include bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, and conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. Joe is also accused of failing to file tax returns for 2004 through 2008.

2)  Teresa has teh balls to actually claim "I've never said anything mean about you" to Melissa Gorga who has said countless mean things about Melissa including calling her a stripper and a whore to just name two. Melissa's face when Teresa said this was priclelss. She was so taken aback that she was speechless and just said she didn't want to get into it.  Probably the best route for dealing with thick headed Teresa.

3)   When asked about what she meant when she said about Kathy's cannolis "Are they edible? Yeah."  Teresa claims she was just responding to the question, "Are they edible?" and claims she didn't say it in "a meanful way." Oh she meant it! Why can't Teresa apologize and take responsibility for being mean? And 'meanful' is not a word, in case she actually thought it was.

4)   When Andy Cohen told Teresa "You hold on to some things," Teresa responded "I've learned not to." And then Andy said "Like, in the last half hour?" which shut her up. Not so much a Teresa quote as an Andy Cohen dig that was highly enjoyable.

5)   Teresa says that she "heard" from a blogger that Melissa had a deal with the website RadarOnline.com saying "The website won't publish any negative stories about Melissa as long as they keep getting dirt on Teresa." This is completely false and Teresa is just spreading around rumors without even asking her sister in law about the allegations after the two women have promised each other to reach out to each other if there is a problem, not just spread lies.

6)   "How does she know I'm not standing up for them?" Teresa said after Melissa said that Teresa never stand up for herself and Joe. The answer to her question...it's on camera! Many times when have people said cruel things about Melissa, Teresa just sits there and listens, often looking happy and smug to here the negative insults. She has never once stood up for her sister in law.

7)   When Caroline asks her why she lied about herself and husband Al fighting throughout the trip in Arizona Teresa says  "That's what I heard. I knew you were going to read it, that's why I put it there. I was hurt by what you said." So it's ok to just say a lie just because you're hurt? Teresa needs to stop lashing out and blogging when she's mad at someone and confront the person she is insulted by. Get off Twitter Teresa! 

WHat what your favorite quote from Teresa Giudice on The Real Housewives Of New Jersey Reunion?

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