Billy Ray Cyrus: Miley Cyrus Is 'Happiest She's Ever Benn' A 'Smart Young Lady' ''Doing Great' And 'She's Just Miley' But She Is She?[VIDEO INTERVIEW] Father Once Said 'I'd Take Hollywood Ba

Billy Ray Cyrus says Miley Cyrus is a 'Happiest she's ever been' after her split from Liam Hemsworth. After a great performance by Miley at the 'Today' show and very mature interview with Matt Lauer, father Billy Ray Cyrus says he is proud of daughter Miley.

Billy Ray has alot of positive things to say about daughter Miley sicnce her contraversial VMA performance. HE said she's a 'young smart lady with a good business sense', 'a creative artist,' and 'doing great' but when is he going to drop the act and see Miley desperately needs help! Billy Ray was once the man who said 'I'd take Hollywood back in a second' referring to the scary influences that Miley can fall victim to. But now Billy Ray is singing another tune.

Though Miley Cyrus's new album 'Bangerz' is a huge success and her SNL appearance got rave reviews, the singer is obviously losing her way, and father Billy Ray should see it and do something about it...quickly! 

In his newest flip flopper move, last Tuesday Billy Ray Cyrus told Queen Latifah how great he thinks daughter Miley Cyrus is saying: "You know, it's like everything. There's an opposite and equal reaction for everything that's good. There's got to be a flip side to that. Miley's a really smart, young lady; she's a very creative artist."

If Billy Ray Cyrus would look at his daughter's emotional state and not her Vevo hits, he find see daughter Miley is not 'doing great' at all. Even at her performance in Las Vegas last weekend, Miley Cyrus looked like an emotional wreck singing 'Wrecking Ball' on stage. Billy Ray Cyrus and wife Tish need to slow down their daughter, stop covering for Miley and get her some much needed emotional help. 

Billy Ray Cyrus says "She's just Miley." Really Billy Ray? Step and and be a good father. He continues about daughter Miley Cyrus:

"She's an artist. She's real. I think that what's happened over the years, Miley has been reinventing her sound. She's evolving as an artist herself. I think that all of what everyone is calling controversy now, that's still my Miley," he said.

"Miley's smart enough to know that to come out of the shadows of 'Hannah Montana,' it really takes something extremely drastic, which when you go to that level, it creates passion, and passion is either love or hate," he continued.

"But there's no middle of the road for passion," adding that his daughter's racy display pushed her to new heights.

"She has risen to a whole new level. I thought I had seen it all, until these last couple of weeks."

Days after he approves of the racy music video for 'Wrecking Ball' calling it 'a smash' Billy Ray Cyrus tells the world Miley is ok' after split from Liam Hemsworth.  It's obvious his daughter must be devestated after ending her 5 year relationship to Liam Hemsworth and having their public split splashed all over the tabloids.. So why does Billy Ray cover for Miley Cyrus so often?

We all know that Billy Ray wishes he never got Miley involved in Hollywood and secretly can't stand her nudity and twerking in front of the entire world. Back in 2011 Billy Ray Cyrus told GQ Magazine, "It (Hannah Montana) destroyed my family. I'd take it back in a second" he said. "For my family to be here and just be everybody okay, safe and sound and happy and normal, would have been fantastic. Heck, yea. I'd erase it all in a second if I could."

So Billy Ray keeps flip plopping on his opinions over his daughter Mley. Why can't he admit she's in a bad place personally?

Miley Cyrus father recentlytold photoagraphers that Miley is 'doing great' when asked how she is doing post split from Liam Hemsworth. After constant rumors that the pair were splitting and Liam might be cheating, how can Miley possibly be ok? Why can't Billy Ray Cyrus just say 'she isn't doing so great.' We'd all respect the family more if they were honest. 

Billy Ray Cyrus also approves Miley Cyrus naked video 'Wrecking Ball!' Billy Ray is proud of his daugher calling the video, which Miley is naked almost the entire time, a 'smash.' Umm...CREEPY!

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight Billy Ray Cyrus enables his daughter Miley by approving his daughter's nude video for 'Wrecking Ball" saying:

"I'm a song man. A musician singer songwriter who loves all styles of music. But again...I come from the old school where it starts with an artist and a song ...colliding if you will ... in a moment where the song, the singer, the producer, the band and the listener become one. It wouldn't have mattered if Miley would have worn jeans and a flannel shirt, a tux or a nun's habit," and that "herperformance vocally on the tune reflects her root and sheer God-given talent."

Seriously Billy Ray! It would have totally mattered! She might actually be taken seriously instead of the butt of every joke.

Miley's parent's approval will enable her and let her think that her behavior is actually okay when it is far from it. Though the whole world still has a slutty hangover from the MTV VMAs, Miley Cyrus's parents and siblings are sticking by her behavior. If Miley's parents actually disciplined their daughter, maybe she would stop her inappropriate behavior and become a good role model. But Miley, being the family bread winner, has never been told what to do. She definitely "Can't Stop" and "Won't Stop."  

What parents want their little girl gyrating all over a stage in front of millions of viewers? Well apparently Miley Cyrus's mother and father of the year. Could they please put her clothes back on and make her put her tongue back in her mouth?

 Miley's mom, Tish Cyrus, is not helping her daughter either brushing off any rumors that she is troubled. Tish is proud of daughter Miley. "I'm so proud of her, and just honestly, I'm in awe of who she's become as a performer," Tish said of her MTV VMA performance according to Cross Map.

Tish Cyrus also expressed her "awe" of her daughter Miley after the VMAs 2013.

Before the performance, Tish dished on what it was like to be the mother of a pop star.

"Miley performing at the VMAs is so exciting," Tish Cyrus told Gossipdavid before the show on Sunday. "It's just fun for me to be here because it's been two or three years since she put out a record, and it's gone so crazy. I'm so excited for people to finally start seeing her as adult and performing, because it's kind of mind-blowing - it's huge." Tish said.

Tish was in the audience at the 2013 MTV VMAs while her daughter performed, and retweeted a positive comment from celebrity columnist Derek Blasberg, Hello! magazine reports..

"Obsessed with @MileyCyrus's performance at the VMA's. It was like a karaoke party at the Playboy mansion. In the 90's. In platform sneakers," the tweet read.

Miley's sister Brandi also came out in support. She took to Twitter to tell followers: "All else side Miley sounded amazing".

Brandi also retweeted a comment. "I like my superstars with a dash of weird and a little extra spice. And the girl can sing. Consider me team @MileyCyrus," the tweet said.

Miley's father Billy Ray Cyrus didn't seem quite as happy with his daughter but showed his support anyway. 

"Of course I'll always be here for Miley," he told Entertainment Tonight after the VMA performance. "Can't wait [to] see her when she gets home. She's still my little girl and I'm still her dad regardless how this circus we call show business plays out. I love her unconditionally and that will never change." 

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