Adam Scott Is An ‘ACOD (Adult Child Of Divorce)’ In First Solo Lead Role; Talks ‘Party Down’ Movie and ‘Parks And Recreation’

Adam Scott's career has slowly picked up. Usually known for Comedy-romance ensembles, he has his first solo lead outing in "A.C.O.D." (Adult Child Of Divorce). He talks about the planned 'Party Down' movie and cast members at 'Parks and Recreation.'

In an interview with Vulture, Adam Scott shares his insights:

On being the solo lead (as opposed to the lead in Friends With Kids which was an ensemble): "Yeah, in this one there was really no scene I'm not in. So it was great, it was really fun, you're never bored, but I was also tired - because we shot it in 24 days. It was really fast and I was pretty wiped out. My family was with me and I would just come home and look at the kids as they're sleeping and go to sleep and wake up and go back."

Does he miss the ensemble set-up, like in "Parks and Recreation?"

"Yeah, it's certainly nice. On Parks and Rec, other than Amy, we all usually get at least two days off a week. Sometimes just one, but it's a much more relaxed schedule. But the fact that I'm the lead in a movie and I'm on the poster - I didn't know if that was ever going to happen. I always wanted it to since I was a little kid, but after fifteen years or something you start to sort of realize that maybe that's not gonna happen, maybe I'm just gonna be hitting the pavement every pilot season for the rest of my career. So even though it's a tiny movie, being in that position in a movie is really a privilege. I don't know if it'll ever happen again, but it's nice to kind of have that."

On the "Party Down" Movie: I don't know if anything will ever happen, but in my mind I think what Arrested Development did was ideal. I think that a movie of a TV show is really tricky and I don't know if it's ever really been done well. Because it's really hard if you have a 22-minute show, especially something like Party Down where it's all contained at the party. And so trying to work that into a movie format - not to say it can't be done, and John [Enborn] and Dan [Etheridge] and Rob [Thomas] were brilliant guys and I'm sure they could come up with something great - but as with any TV show, turning it into a movie is really tricky. So yeah, the Netflix thing would be a great way to go. But I don't know if that'll ever happen.

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