Oscar Pistorius Trial Date: American Forensic Experts Involved In Preparing Defense Of Double-Amputee Athlete For Next Year’s Trial

Oscar Pistorius’ trial next year is set to become one of the biggest legal cases in the history of South Africa and is expected to draw unprecedented media attention. In a recent report, the world-renowned Olympian, Paralympian and as of early this year, murder suspect has hired a team of American forensic experts to prepare his defense.

It’s a daunting task as it’s one that will require to counter evidence gathered by scores of South African police officers and criminal specialists involved in the investigation.

This is in line to the case filed against him for shooting his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp to death (premeditated murder) at his house on the 14th of February. The 26 year old athlete will be faced to trial at the North Gauteng High Court in the South African capital Pretoria from March 3. It will be possible that he will be faced with a 25 years minimum in prison and life sentence whenever this used-to-be-for-years the inspiring poster image of disabled sport will be convicted. Aside from this is the possibility that he will be charged with lesser murder having 15 year mandatory sentence or a 5 year prison term in South Africa whenever firearm is involved for negligent killing.

It was projected that the trial will last over two weeks which begins in March and according to Pistorius’ spokeswoman, Anneliese Burgess, the US forensic team is recently in South Africa –she told The Associated Press on Tuesday. The information however that she gave was restricted that she didn’t confirm if they are staying for the trial or any details regarding the team’s areas of expertise or identities.
In addition to what Burgess told the South African Press Association , Pistorius was paid a visit on Monday by the said team to the house where he stayed along with his lawyers.

It actually took six months of investigation before South African police indicted Pistorius for murder and illegal possession of ammunition charges in August. The blockbuster trial drew nearly 20 forensic experts included in the list of over 100 state witnesses. On the other hand, the need to come up with their own list of witnesses and to prepare defense for Pistorius must be completed by his lawyers in seven months time.

Pistorius on the other hand however stand steadfastly on his claim that he mistook Steenkamp, a model and reality TV star, for an intruder thus for self-defense and fear he shot her.

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