Kendrick Johnson Case Update: Benjamin Crump - Attorney Who Pushed Criminal Investigation In Trayvon Martin Case Helping Parents Pursue New Case Following New Autopsy Saying 17-Year-Old Organs Missing, Filled With Newspapers

Kendrick Johnson case update: Once ruled an accidental death after being found dead in January, another autopsy revealed that the 17-year-old's body was stuffed with newspapers and most of his organs were missing.

When Kendrick Johnson's body was found, he was rolled up in a gym mat at his Georgia high school. His parents hired an independent firm to exhume Kendrick Johnson's body and do another autopsy that was revealed with the latest update in this case.

Now, the attorney who helped push for criminal prosecution in the Trayvon Martin shooting death, said on Thursday that he is joining the fight to reopen the investigation for the case of the death of Kendrick Johnson.

 "We have been let down again," Kenneth Johnson told CNN. "When we buried Kendrick, we thought we were burying Kendrick, not half of Kendrick."

The independent autopsy not only found that organs were missing and newspaper was used, but also determined that Johnson was killed by blunt force trauma to the side of his neck, CNN said when it was originally ruled by the police that he died in a freak accident.

"To find his organs are missing is just insult on top of injury," the family's co-counsel Benjamin Crump told NBC News. "They're outraged. They've been outraged for the last nine months."

Crump has helped persue civil right cases against authorities during his tenure as an attorney.

"This is a real-life murder mystery where these parents sent their child to school with a book bag and he was returned to them in a body bag," Crump said in a phone interview with the Associated Press. "They brought me in to make sure this is not able to be swept under the rug in small-town Georgia and they never get justice for their child."

Sheriff Chris Prine has said he suspected Johnson became trapped while trying to retrieve a shoe that fell into the center of the large rolled mat. A Georgia Bureau of Investigation medical examiner concluded that the youth died from positional asphyxia, his body stuck in a position in which he couldn't breathe, according to CBS News.

Crump said the Johnson family's legal team plans to focus on getting the official manner of death in the case changed from accidental to homicide. Asked how he planned to do that, Crump said, "We're going to have to look at getting the courts involved." He said it was too soon to be more specific.

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