Jesus Misspelled On Medals By The Vatican, Who Are Supposed To Know A Lot About Jesus, Right?

Jesus misspelled on medals? Not the kind of mistake you want to make when it's in actual metal....or when you're supposed to be the authority on Jesus.

The Vatican had to correct papal medals that misspelled Jesus. Whoops.

The misspelled Jesus medals were withdrawn this week by the Vatican, who created the papal metals in silver, gold, and bronze to mark the first year of Pope Francis' pontificate (apparently that's a papal thing, not just a way of talking).

The medals said "Lesus" instead of "Jesus". Whoops.

The coins featured Pope Francis' face on one side and a Latin phrase on the other, which apparently inspired him to become a priest. When written correctly, it reads,

 "Vidit ergo Jesus publicanum et quia miserando antque eligendo vidit, ait illi sequere me."

(Jesus, therefore, saw the publican, and because he saw by having mercy and by choosing, he said to him, 'Follow me.')

The misspelled Jesus medals were withdrawn due to the error after initially going on sale on October 8. Only four were sold-but those four will be a collectors item in the rare coin market.

What do you think of this? Funny, costly, or both? Would you have bought one if they'd stayed on the market for longer? Sound off below!

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