Michael Douglas Tounge Cancer Revelation [VIDEO]: Actor Said He Had Throat Cancer To Avoid Questions About Surgery; So Why Did The Wall Street Star Make Comments About Throat Cancer, Oral Sex Link?

Michael Douglas tounge cancer shocker: Actor admits that he didn't have throat cancer, and actually had tounge cancer.  

Why would Michael Douglas keep his tounge cancer to himself?  The Wall Street star explained in an interview with Samuel L. Jackson.

Michael Douglas recalls the moment he was diagnosed with tounge cancer in the interview with Samuel L. Jackson: "[The doctor] just took a tongue depressor and -- I will never forget it -- I saw this look in his eye. And I went, 'Oh.' And they took a biopsy, and two days later, they said, 'You have cancer.'"

When he was diagnosed with tounge cancer, Michael Douglas was preparing to go to Europe to promote the movie Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. "You can't cancel a worldwide European tour junket thing and say, 'I don't feel well.' You gotta tell 'em. So I said, 'We just gotta come out [with the diagnosis]."

Michael Douglas' doctor was the one who advised him to obfuscate his diagnosis of tounge cancer: "He said, 'Let's just say it's throat cancer...We don't want to say it's tongue cancer,'" the actor tells Jackson. "I said, 'Why is that?' He said, 'Well, if you really want to know why -- if we do have to do surgery, it's not going to be pretty. You'll lose part of your jaw and your tongue, and all of that stuff.'"

Watch Michael Douglas tounge cancer video here: 

Michael Douglas caused some controversy when he claimed that his "throat" cancer could have been caused by oral sex.  Some speculated that the comments even contributed to the split between Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones.

Michael Douglas says his tounge cancer is not likely to come back: "With my type of cancer, if you're clean after two years, there's a 95 percent chance it's not coming back."

After his experience with tounge cancer, Michael Douglas advises people to keep a close watch on their bodies for signs of illness: "Hey guys, you look at your body every day. You know every mole, everything that's there.  You see something that looks a little strange, you feel a bump somewhere, check it out -- please. I made the mistake. I don't want to see you do it."

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