OS X Mavericks Release Date: New OS To Be Unveiled In Apple’s October 22 Event, Apple Care Stuff Undergoing Training For Launch

OS X Mavericks release date will be next week, if the rumors are true that we will see the availability date of the new OS unveiled on Apple’s big event on October 22. The invitation-only gathering by Apple is expected to also feature the launch of the highly anticipated iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2.

All Things D reported that according to sources familiar with Apple’s plans, the Cupertino tech giant will hold an invitation-only event on the said date. What is noticeably missing in the report, however, is that there’s no mention of an upcoming MacBook Pro.

Consistent with the latest news about the OS X Mavericks, 9to5 Mac earlier reported that Apple has begun training its staff about the OS. Members of Apple Care will be required to learn about the operating system’s new features, installation process and troubleshooting options for six hours at the least. The training is expected to over the course of the next few weeks.

9to5 Mac said that the training is similar in secrecy and style with the iOS 7 and iTunes Radio training. It will also not be held for all Apple Care staff, but will be done in small batches to avoid information disclosed during training from leaking.

The Mac's newest operating system was announced last June at the company’s World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) and is now on its eight developers’ preview, the new operating system is now undergoing tweaks and testings for a final release.

New features for the upcoming OS X include a new Mapps app, tabbed finder, iBooks, and an overhauled look at the calendar. Safari, the flagship browser for the Mac and iCloud Keychain is also in the new version with notable updates.

The price of updating to the OS X Mavericks has yet to be identified but in a June article by PC Mag, the most recent update, being the Mountain Lion costs $19.99 at the time of release, the update prior to Mountain Lion, Lion costs $29.99. The tech publication noted that it’s hard to imagine Apple charging more for the OS X Mavericks operating system considering the price of new updates has gone down over the years

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