Apple iWatch Price, Release Date: Wearable Device By Apple Is Home Automation Gadget And Not Smartphone Companion Suppliers’ Suggest, Undergoing Testing For Launch

The highly rumored Apple iWatch may not exactly be what many expect, which is a Samsung Galaxy Gear or a Pebble Smartwatch competitor. According to a report by Venture Beat, the rumored Apple iWatch is not a smartphone companion but rather a home companion.

“Rather, Apple is looking to create a device that will allow you to control your music, your temperature, your security, your lighting, your energy use, your entertainment, and potentially much more,” according to Venture Beat as opined by Cantor Fitzgerald’s Brian White, who spoke with Taiwanese and mainland China suppliers for the company.

The Apple iWatch, White said, is much more than an extension of an iPhone. The intention for the iWatch is for it to be a multi-purpose gateway that will allow consumers to control their home, the analyst explained in a research note.

Earlier reports have indicated that Apple has filed trademark for the term iWatch in Russia and Japan and now, Korean publication ChosunIbo, the company is now testing flexible OLED displays for the rumored iWatch. The publication wrote that the smart watch prototypes undergoing testing has three different sizes – 1.3”, 1.4” and 1.5”

“A prototype of the 1.5-inch has already been made,” a Chosun Ibo source noted, as reported by UnwiredView. The release date of the gadget, however, remains unknown.

UnwiredView wrote that if the rumors are true, Apple’s own version of a wrist-like computer device may look more like Pebble (the Kickstarter legend), than anything even like Samsung Galaxy Gear.

The release of the iWatch may force Samsung to redo their plans for the Samsung Galaxy Gear. The South Korean tech giant may release a so-called small and thin Samsung Galaxy Gear X. Many current Gear app makers are re-tooling their apps for the new kind of Samsung Watch.

Apple’s plans may be different from Samsung;s when it comes to the wearable gadget category as it may aim to avoid the head to head competition it has experienced with the handsets. Pebble though seen as the more high-profile pioneer in the space, thanks to the publicity Kickstarter brought, maybe the closer competition for Apple.

Aside from Apple, there have also been reports that Google is planning to launch their own smartwatch dubbed the Nexus Smartwatch.

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