Hugh Jackman To Play James Bond’s Real Life Predecessor In ‘Section 6’? Universal Wins Script Rights After Bidding War

Hugh Jackman has hinted that "X-Men Days of Future Past" could mark his last outing as Wolverine. What will he do next?

He could become the next James Bond..or actually his predecessor that is. The Aussie actor is interested in "Section 6" a project from a script that was the subject of a fierce bidding war among Sony and Universal, with the latter winning out.

The script description from The Wrap:a"historical spy thriller" that examines the formation of British intelligence agency MI6 and its first director, Sir George Mansfield Cumming. The latter made his mark as a successful undercover agent working for Naval Intelligence (starting in 1898), before he was recruited by the newly-formed Secret Service Bureau as the director of the foreign section - which, during the first World War, ended up becoming the Directorate of Military Intelligences Section 6 (a.k.a. MI6).

Cumming would generally drop the "Smith" from his name during communications and tended to initial papers with simply a "C," which started the tradition for Section 6 directors to sign their documents in the same manner (albeit, with "C" standing for "Chief"). Ian Fleming would later base James Bond's superior "M" on certain elements of Cumming's personality - such as, his habit for signing papers in green ink.

Universal Pictures was the winner for Aaron Berg's spec script "Section 6," which created a furor in the Hollywood circles. Several top filmmakers have also expressed interest in the material, including Justin Lin and Brett Ratner.

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