The X-Files 20th Anniversary: David Duchovny And Gillian Anderson Reveal Their Most Embarrassing Photos And Weirdest Fan Requests

To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the groundbreaking series "The X-Files," the creator, cast and creative team reunited at Comic Con. This is one of their most memorable interviews from Empire.

On their photoshoots being their most embarrassing moments

Anderson: (Laughs) "Yeah, I'd have to agree. I did one, I think it was for People magazine - you know how cheesy some of their photos are - and I actually refuse now to do People. But I had just had my daughter, so there was this shot of me lying on our dining-room table in my wedding dress with my breastfeeding tit just exposed to the world. And it was a time when my hair was really, really bad in the series, and it was equally bad for this shoot. I think there was another shot of me and my then husband in (daughter) Piper's room holding a teddy bear. There was even talk at one point of us getting in the crib. So embarrassing! (Pause) You should ask David about his teacup picture...":

Duchovny: "That's so weird - someone just sent me that shot on my phone a couple of hours ago, saying, "Is that you?" And I hadn't seen it in I don't know how long. It was taken right when we started doing The X-Files, when I went down to LA to do a bunch of shots at my manager's house. In between set-ups I was just fucking around, naked, and I put this teacup over my genitals. And they took a couple of pictures, just for us, for a laugh. I was innocent, thinking, "It's my balls. Who's going to possibly want a picture of my balls?" And a couple of years later my then-publicist, who will remain nameless, sold them. Here, look!"

Anderson: "Oh God! I remember during the series you were really embarrassed you'd ever done that. You look so young in it!"

On his weirdest Fan Request

Duchovny: "My weirdest experience happened last year, just before The TV Set came out, when I was down in Vegas doing a conference on independent film. I was waiting backstage for my car to take me to the airport, because I can't get out of Vegas fast enough. And this couple, a guy and a woman, were hanging back, looking at me nervously, and I thought, "Okay, these two are going to make an approach." Sure enough, the guy comes over and says, "My girlfriend is a really big fan." I thought, "Oh my God, these guys want to swing. They live in Vegas and he wants to watch me do his wife." And he goes, "I want to ask you something... will you ask her to marry me?" The question was so weird it took a while to process - I was like, "You want me to ask her to marry me?" But I finally worked it out, did it properly and everyone there was crying. I kind of enjoyed that."

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